Submission guidelines

General specifications for submissions

  • Essays length: between 18,000 and 35,000 characters with spaces (including footnotes).
  • Articles length: between 10,000 and 18,000 characters with spaces (including footnotes).
  • Book reviews length: between 3,500 and 10,000 characters with spaces.
  • A space should be left between paragraphs.
  • Submission file format: Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx).
  • Paginate your manuscripts.
  • To protect anonymity, do not identify the author; so, in a separate document, please include: title, author’s name, abstract (250 words maximum), Keywords (4 – 9 words), short bio (200 words maximum) and contact email address.

Specifications for style

Submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these style guidelines:


Single-spacing all texts (body text, quotations, endnotes…).

Font size
  • Times New Roman 12pt. for text body.
  • 14 points for headings.
  • 13 points for subheadings.
  • 11 points for endnotes.
  • Do not include in bibliography references not cited in the text. 
  • Quotations will be enclosed in double quotation marks.
  • If quotations exceed three lines, they must be separated from the main text, without double quotation marks, in a smaller font size (Times New Roman 11 points) and indented from the left.
  • Found Footage Magazine uses parenthetical citations, identifying source in parentheses in the text (Autor, Year:Page), keyed to the bibliography at the end of the writing piece.
End notes
  • Endnotes must be numbered consecutively and submitted as endnotes at the bottom of the essay.
  • Endnotes should be used for material or comments that give information which a general academic reader may not know.
Use of italics

Italics used for: emphasizing specific words, when referring to foreign words and denoting titles of complete works that stand by themselves (books, periodical publications, musical compositions, plays or films).

Use of quotation marks
  • Double quotation marks used for quotation or direct speech only.
  • Single quotation marks used for book chapters, articles, and essays.
  • If quote marks are used inside another pair of quote marks, then single quotes are used as the secondary style.
  • The author will be responsible for obtaining permission for the use of images under copyright.
  • Do not embed images in the body text. Wherever an image is to be placed, the following should be written: FIGURE X (where X is a sequential numerical order), centered between paragraphs and leaving separating lines.
  • Low-resolution images should be sent in a separate file. Once the manuscript has been accepted, we will ask you for high-resolution images of 300 ppi.
  • For essays/articles, you can use up to 6 illustrations.
Bibliographical elements
  • Books and journal titles should be in italics.
  • Articles, essays, and book chapter’s titles should be enclosed in single quotation marks. Page numbers are required for articles in journals, essays, and book chapters.
  • The abbreviations for paging will be p. (singular) and pp. (plural).


Author (Year). Title of the book. Place of publication: publisher.

Example: Wees, William C. (1993). Recycled Images: The Art and Politics of Found Footage Films. New York: Anthology Film Archives.

Book chapter

Author (Year). ‘Title of the chapter,’ in editors Title of Book. Place of publication: publisher. Page number.

Example: Delpeut, Peter (2018). ‘Prologue. Questions of Colours: Taking sides,’ in Giovanna Fossati et al. (eds.) The Colour Fantastic. Chromatic worlds of silent cinema. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Pp. 19-29.


Author (Year). ‘Title of article,’ Name of periodical, volume number, issue number, page numbers.

Example: Baudry, Jean-Louis (1975). ‘Ideological Effects of the Basic Cinematic Apparatus,’ Film Quarterly, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 39-47.


Internet URL must be framed by the symbols < >. It is essential to add the date the document was accessed, in brackets.

Example <> (accessed on December 10, 2014).